services at montida poultry

At Montida Poultry, our mission is to produce the highest quality of animal protein in the form of chicken through the continued development of the level of production and quality by adopting highest levels of quality standards in order to get both our customers satisfaction as well as our employees.

Below you can find some services provided by the company

breeding farm

Montida Poultry have in 17 breeding farms for the breeding of the poultry and with 50 contract breeder with different breeder located all around the island. For sanitary reasons, breeding farms are dispatched far from each other around the island.

fattening farm

Montida Poultry have 20 fattening farms around Mauritius for the best quality production of his products to customers. With several contract breeders, Montida produce 45,000 breeding hens.


Montida Poultry possesses 1 hatchery which produce around 76,000 chicks per week. 

our location

St. Michel Road,
Riche-Terre, MAURITIUS

our contact

(+230) 248 6541 / 42
(+230) 249 3620 / 05

our email

opening hours

Monday - Friday
08:30 - 16:30

Saturday - 8:30 - 12:30